Despite a decrease in the number of bird species visiting the Candaba wetlands nowadays, some birds showed up like the Purple Heron in photo, to the delight of media during the bird watching activity organized by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Biodiversity Management Bureau in celebration of the 2019 World Wetlands Day on February 2, 2019. Since 1940, Candaba played host to some 122 resident and migratory birds species, among these are (not in photo): Immature Black Crowned Night Heron, Black Crowned Night Heron, Black Winged Stilt, Greater Sandplover, Whiskered Tern, White Browed Crake, Wondering Whistling Duck, Philippine Duck, Barred Rail, Common Moorhen, Common Tern, White Breasted Waterhen, Wood Sandpiper, Yellow Bittern, Great Egret, Intermediate Egret, Little Egret and Grey Heron. ###