Environment Secretary Antonia Loyzaga urged mining companies to empower women to lead and provide a platform that can harness their unique perspectives, knowledge and skills. In her address before non-government organization Diwata (Women in Resource Development), Loyzaga said women are typically characterized as the most vulnerable to changes, and their multiple social roles can even lead to the intersectionality of their vulnerabilities.

“Mining companies are urged to enhance women participation in their conservation and restoration projects, acknowledging the indigenous women’s and other women’s invaluable knowledge of local ecosystems. The mining industry can mainstream gender-responsive policies in their corporate strategies, not only to ensure that practices do not inadvertently harm women, but that they also build corporate resilience,” Loyzaga said.

Diwata advocates for the responsible development of the Philippines’ natural resources, principally extractive industries such as mining, oil and gas quarrying.

Loyzaga said gender-responsive approaches to community assessments, consultation and benefit-sharing are all vital to increase the success of the mining industry’s climate mitigation and adaptation strategies.

“Let us harness our collective powers and unlock our potential and continue to chart the future of the Philippine mining industry where women stand shoulder to shoulder with men,” she added.

Loyzaga further stated that it is crucial to safeguard the rights of women in crafting environmental policies, social development and in decision-making through their inclusion in national and local level discourse on mining, climate, human security, and the environment.

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources, under the leadership of Loyzaga, has been working closely with stakeholders in the environment sector to advance the promotion of gender equality in the workplace. ##