Corazon Flores, M.D. regional director of the Department of Health-National Capital Region (right, infront of the microphone), discusses COVID-19 and precautions against the spread of the novel coronavirus after the flag raising ceremony at the DENR main office in Quezon City on February 3. Flores clarified that there is still no known cure for COVID-19, although clinical tests are being undertaken, and wearing of masks is not necessary for healthy persons. She reminded all DENR employees to follow the acronym W.U.H.A.N to prevent the spread of the virus: (W)ash hands whenever necessary, (U)se mask correctly if needed, (H)ave your temperature checked, (A)void crowded places, and (N)o to “beso-beso.” COVID-19 is an infectious disease that was first identified after its outbreak in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China in December 2019. ###