Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Undersecretary for Policy, Planning and International Affairs Jonas R. Leones (2nd from left) and Manila Bay Coordinating Office Deputy Executive Director Jacob F. Meimban, Jr. (right) discuss with Commission on Audit Supervising Auditor for DENR Marites Odtojan (2nd from right) the progress of the ongoing rehabilitation of Manila Bay. The DENR group led the ocular along the baywalk on January 15 from the beach nourishment project to the outfalls in Padre Faura, Remedios, and Estero San Antonio de Abad (inset), the sewage treatment plant and the trash booms installed in the bay. Also present at the inspection were Metro Manila Development Authority Flood Control Engineer Alex Mohammad (left), representatives from the Department of Public Works and Highways-National Capital Region and partner agencies.###