Course Details This course is designed to equip the trainees with the latest trend in GIS-based spatial data processing, analysis, visualization and decision-making. It includes exercises and case studies with the view to develop skills in data capture, data integration, digital mapping, raster and vector geo-processing, spatial analysis/modelling and use of GIS as data management/decision making tool in earth science and natural resource management, geography, forestry, hydrology, environmental science, pollution studies and other related domains.
Sponsor Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC)
Local Partner TESDA
Place of Study India
Duration January 10 – February 6, 2019
Qualifications Please nominate two (2) candidates with the following qualifications:

  1. Graduate of Earth Sciences or related technical courses (Geology, Geophysics, Geography, Environmental Sciences);
  2. Nominated by their respective office;
  3. Has not participated in any course under ITEC;
  4. Must have rendered at least two (2) years of service;
  5. Must hold a permanent appointment;
  6. Between 25-45 years old as required by the organizer;
  7. Must not have a pending application for scholarship under another program; and
  8. Must have rendered the service obligation required under EO 367 for scholarship recently concluded before he/she could again be nominated for another course where the field of study is different from the previous training.
Documentary Requirements Nominees should submit the following requirements to HRDS CDD on 29 October 2018

1. Nomination letter/Memorandum addressed to the Secretary by the Head of Office (Bureaus Director/Administrator);

2. Justification re: Presidential Directives on the minimum criteria for travel:

  • The purpose of the trip is strictly within the mandate of   the requesting government official or personnel’;
  • The projected expenses for the trip are note excessive;
  • The trip is expected to bring substantial benefit to the    country; and
  • The travel shall not hamper the operational efficiency of said Agency.

3. Service Record (at least two (2) years as a regular employee)

4.Certification from the Chief, Administrative Division stating:

  • That the applicant has No Pending Administrative and/or Criminal Case;
  • That the applicant has No Pending Scholarship Nomination;
  • That the applicant’s performance ratings for two (2) immediate rating periods were at least Very Satisfactory; and,
  • That the applicant is physically and mentally fit to travel.
  • 5.Certification of actual duties and responsibilities (including past involvement) relevant to the course signed by immediate superior.
  • 6.Duly accomplished Personal Data Sheet (with list of in-service trainings and seminars attended);
  • 7.Photocopy of Transcript of Records (Baccalaureate/Graduate); and
  • 8.Photocopy of Diploma (Baccalaureate/Graduate)
Deadline of Submission November 5, 2018
Deadline of Interview November 8, 2018 (starts at 9:00 AM)

For inquiries, please call the Career Development Division at 927-9107 or VOIP Nos. 1063 and 1064.

Signed Invitation