Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Undersecretary for Legal, Administration, Human Resources and Legislative Affairs Atty. Ernesto D. Adobo, Jr. (standing) presides over the DENR Assessment of the Remaining Boracay Rehabilitation Activities in preparation for the end of term of the Boracay Inter-Agency Task Force (BIATF) in June 2022. Pursuant to Executive Order 147, the BIATF will be deemed dissolved on June 30, 2022, “unless extended or sooner terminated by the President.” The DENR is chair of the Task Force by virtue of Executive Order No. 53 “Creating a Boracay Inter-Agency Task Force Providing for its Powers and Functions and those of the member-agencies thereof, and other measures to reverse the degradation of Boracay Island.” DENR officials reported on the status of their rehabilitation activities during the assessment-workshop.###