1. Adopt climate-risk lens in national planning and policies
    • Promote convergence and policy coherence among national government agencies
    • Operationalize the Geospatial Database Office to develop the National Natural Resources Geospatial Database
    • Natural Capital Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services
    • Institute risk-based ecosystem management and nature-based solutions
    • Invest in green opportunities by implementing Sustainable Finance Roadmap

Among the reforms implemented by the department is the adoption of a climate-risk lens in planning and policy formulation. This led to the establishment of a National Geospatial Database for natural resources which provides the integration of climate-related and geospatial data for risk-informed planning, policy and decision-making. The Geospatial Database Office catalogs our natural resources including land, forests, water and minerals using satellite images and drones to survey natural and man-made changes within our islands.

  1. Increase forest cover
    • Intensify forest protection and anti-illegal logging
    • Identify and map priority areas for reforestation and other forestry investments
  1. Conserve protected areas and biodiversity resources
    • Develop and manage Protected Areas
    • Manage coastal and marine resources
    • Strengthen Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and establish MPA networks as
    • key tools to support Blue Economy
    • Conserve and protect wildlife resources
  1. Improve air and water quality, and waste management
    • Strengthen enforcement and monitoring of air quality and water quality standards
    • Promote circular economy, stimulate sustainable consumption and production, implement the National Program of Action on Marine Litter
    • Implement the Extended Producers’ Responsibility (EPR) Law
    • Provide technical assistance on solid waste management, including toxic and hazardous wastes
  1. Ensure water security and resilience in high-water stressed areas
    • Implement integrated water resources management
    • Improve water resources monitoring and assessment, measurement and data availability
    • Reduce groundwater depletion
    • Mobilize financing for water-resilient infrastructure projects
    • Employ water conservation measures such as use of rainwater harvesting facilities
  1. Sustainably and responsibly manage mineral resources
    • Implement sustainable mineral resources development
    • Promote the development of critical minerals, processing and value-adding
    • Intensify compliance monitoring and enforcement of environmental safeguards in mining operations including effective social development management programs
  1. Promote effective land management and governance
    • Implement the National Land Title Program to facilitate issuance of patents
    • Digitization and modernization of land information management systems
    • Implement sustainable land management and governance for the remaining undistributed lands